The Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. We rely on financial support from people like you to continue our work. Your donations help make Greater Los Angeles a more diverse, vibrant, culturally rich, inclusive community by way of economic development through Art Placemaking. We serve a majority low and moderate income (LMI) people and communities, assisting artists, galleries, small and micro businesses to thrive, and our daily work cultivates a colorful, inclusive future for underserved, diverse youth, through vocational opportunities and training.
Be a part of what we do:

Our partners can support and benefit in a variety of ways:
- Individual Donations: dollars in any amount support our ability to deliver a variety of programs. ***
- Employer Match: The Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk is listed in several employer donation programs. Please consider a recurring contribution and don’t forget to ask your employer about matching your donation to double the impact!
- Corporate Sponsorships and Charitable Donations: Supporting the Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk as a corporate sponsor or donor provides much needed, significant financial support to ensure our programs continue. We recognize our corporate sponsors with our large community of art and culture fanatics through social media, subscriber newsletters, website, map, and other assets.
For corporate sponsorships and corporate charitable donations:
- Brand Sponsorships: Financially supporting the Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk as a brand sponsor provides much needed significant financial support to ensure our programs continue. For your product launch, campaign, or event, our online audience exceed 200K locally, nationally, and internationally, and helps you generate relevant brand awareness with our large fan base in sought-after demographics across all our assets (social media, subscriber newsletters, website, map, etc.). Partnerships are affordable and can be single or multiple occurrences, depending on your brand or campaign needs. Help your community while generating interest and brand recognition!
For support as a brand sponsor:
- Cultural Partnerships, Art Placemaking & Special Projects: The Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk can be your media and promotion partner for your arts and culture related venue, museum, exhibit, event, or commercial property. We also provide curation services and Art Placemaking for a fee. Your financial contribution and partnership enables us to offer curation services to make your space vibrant and inclusive. We connect you to a variety of artists with artwork for loan or sale. We can even help you get the word out through our various media channels. That’s Art Placemaking!
For cultural partnerships, art placemaking, & special projects:
For filming, please email:
To make a donation, please click the button below.
Donate once, or on a recurring basis – ask your employer for a match to double the impact!

*** The Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk is a 501(c)3 nonprofit.Consult with your tax adviser or the IRS to determine whether a contribution is deductible.